Background of the HACKATHON
This initiative seeks to identify the ICT skills available in the province and allow for those skills to be put into use as technologies to help address challenges faced by Eastern Cape society, individuals, businesses, as well as government.
With the current state of ICT adoption in the province, the Eastern Cape faces a risk of high unemployment rate in the future. Advancing the adoption of ICT in the province is one of the ways in which we can converge current activities to benefit youth in a 4IR world.
The ELIDZ STP invites you to take part in the hackathon which aims to advance ICT in the Eastern Cape.
The hackathon will be hosted from:
04 – 06 June 2021
ELIDZ will be hosting a provincial wide hackathon in partnership with Eastern Cape institutions of higher learning, incubators and government. The goal of the hackathon is to create effective working solutions that can be deployed to the province to enhance economic development, specifically on 4IR activities.
As part of this hackathon we are bringing knowledge workshops on critical 4IR initiatives, e.g. Python programming, Design thinking and coding etc.
Virtual Knowledge Workshop
- Cracking the Hackathon: What is a hackathon and how you can win it.
- Hacking Toolbox: Practical Tips and Tricks to survive a hackathon.
- SMARTA Goal Setting: using 48-hours effectively and efficiently.
Virtual knowledge workshop will be hosted on
03 June 2021.
Pre-hacking Workshop
Pre-hacking workshop will be hosted on
04 June 2021.
Master Classes
- Programming using Python
- Design thinking
- Cybersecurity
- Coding
- 12 Months sponsored Incubation & Acceleration towards further development of the overall main winners’ solution (Prototype Development).
- Opportunity for market access and linkages
- Prize money
- Theme 1: Unemployment
- Theme 2: Service Delivery
- Theme 3: Education & Upskilling
Registration must be done online by signing up the form on the link below:
ENTRIES CLOSE – 28 MAY 2021 | Please forward any enquiries to